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Asia Destinations Travel Advice

Best Destinations for Cultural Holidays in Asia

From China to Maldives, from Afghanistan to Tokyo, Asia is a complete amalgamation of a variety of cultures and a trip into these territories could be a life changing experience. Destinations you consider thrilling can fall flat if you don’t have the willingness to be spontaneous and sometimes slow, unorganized and untouched premises can become a hotspot of interest if you consider exploring. Asia is a treat if you are looking for that one divine experience of your life and the options are many. Asian Cultural Holidays have gained prominence in the recent years due to their proximity and willingness to welcome visitors from different parts of the world. For those looking for weekend trips within Asia, here are some of the best options to consider.

Bamyan, Afghanistan

The ancient city of Bamyan in central Afghanistan (Hazarajat) is a popular destination for cultural tourists from all over the world. For ages, Bamyan has witnesses several civilizations rise and fall, but each has left a deep mark along this terrain. Situated along the ancient Silk Route, Bamyan receives several Buddhist pilgrims all round the year. The site has many Hindu-Buddhist monasteries and caves worth a visit. Well connected to the whole of Afghanistan, this has emerged as a popular destination for music festival, cultural events and photography.

Lhasa, Tibet

Popularly known as the €Top of the world€, Lhasa is a popular destination for tourists across the globe. The snowy mountains, exotic customs and the mysterious religions are sure to leave a person enchanted and enlightened. The place has an innate peace in itself, though have been victim to several war. For Tibetans, Lhasa is €The Land of Gods€ and spread across the terrain is several monasteries and seats of worship.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is perhaps the most travelled place by travelers looking for Asian cultural holidays. The most important seat of Sinhalese tradition, the impact of Buddhism can be witnessed nowhere better than in Sri Lanka. Be it the Temple of the Tooth at Kandy or the €footprints€ of Lord Buddha at Adam’s Peak, this is the place for cultural parades, enormous processions and ultimate learning. While a weekend certainly wouldn’t be enough, it could set you on the way to higher revelation in life. Come for divine peace and tranquility in the beautiful country of Sri Lanka.

Gion, Kyoto, Japan

The world has always been fascinated with Japanese culture and traditions. If you are eager to step ahead and witness the rich heritage in itself, take a trip to Gion. This is where you will find the oldest Japanese cultures come alive – the music, the clothing, the dance and the drama. A visit to the Minamiza Theatre would give you the experience of the all-male productions we have just heard about. Also, experience the life of a Geisha and warm up in the siesta of old Japanese village cultures. This is somewhere everyone would like to be once in a lifetime.