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Australia Destinations

Western Australia, A World of Things to See and Do

Why is Western Australia so special?

Many travelers leave WA out of their travel itinerary to Australia, however those who don’t rarely regret it. There is something special about the state which perhaps the geographical separation from other bustling city centers brings about. Famous for its incredible coral reef, surfing spots right up the coastline, earthy red gorges or simply the friendly and culturally diverse atmosphere, WA has something for almost everybody.

I am thinking of visiting Western Australia…

If you are planning a trip to WA, then make sure you find some good resources to help you pick out the right spots. I have no doubt that you will be short of time to see everything this state has to offer, so picking out the right places to match your interests is a good starting point. I think WA is one place however where a lot of the beauty comes from great experiences and places which aren’t necessarily tourist attractions in themselves, therefore you will have to talk to people outside of the tourist bureaus to find these places. There are some things I recommend anyone who hasn’t been to WA before checks out.

I only have a few days up my sleeve…

If you only have a few days in Perth, then try and get to Swan Valley. It is a day trip to the outskirts of Perth and is home to wineries, breweries, supa golf, a chocolate factory and of course the beautiful swan river. It is like a slightly less pristine version of the Margaret River region, so if you are pushed for time then this is the best bet. I would also recommend seeing the suburb of Fremantle which has a rich cuisine, and arts hub all year round. The Sunday markets are a particular favorite for many of the locals. If you want to taste the night life then you will want to head into Northbridge, the clubbing center of Perth.

Where can I go for a weekend trip?

Now hopefully you have a few more days up your sleve, and with that time I would recommend getting down to the beautiful region centered around Margaret River. Other towns not far away include Augusta and Dunsborough. The Margaret River region which is situated between the two famous capes is home to many cellar door wineries, their wines often acquiring international acclaim. There is also plenty of other delicacies to sample including cheeses, chocolates, jams, pickles, toffee and many more delicious treats. If cuisine is not your thing, then there is heaps of outdoor possibilities. There are many amazing caves, some of the most unique and impressive in Australia, as well as some incredible karri forests that you can hike or ride through. If you are a surfer, then you will be in heaven in Margaret River, home to some of Australia’s best surf spots.

I have a week and I want to catch the sun

Then head north! About 6 hours drive north of Perth we come to Kalbarri, famous for its red rocks and Z-bend gorge carved out by the Murchison river. On the way to Kalbarri you might also be interested in visiting Jurien Bay – which has some of the bluest waters I have ever seen on any beach and not far from here, Cervantes where you will find the famous Pinnacles a short drive away. The Pinnacles are an eerie collection of naturally occurring yellow rocks dotting the landscape over about a square kilometer of area. They look amazing as the sun is setting and long shadows are cast over the yellow sand.

is there anything further north?

Definitely! If you can handle 13hours in a car or bus then you will find yourself at Coral bay. With warm waters a friendly community and traveller atmosphere and some of the most amazing reef a stones throw from the shore, you will love it here, especially if relaxing is on the agenda. Further north you have Exmouth and about 13 hours north of that we get to Broome which is famous for its long sandy beaches and camel rides. I think if you are planning on going to Broome however, flying should be considered as it is a LONG way by car, and you really are in the middle of nowhere if you break down.

More about WA

Generally Western Australia is a laid back state with an amazing natural environment. If you are interested in the wilderness, you will love WA. September is a great time to visit as the orchids are all coming out as Spring will have sprung. If you are a hiker, then be sure to consider the 1000km Bibbulmun track which winds through some of the worlds most ecologically diverse country side. All you need is a good hiking pack and camping pack, and you can stay in the provided shelters along the way.

I want to find out more

There are lots of sites which give you all the info you will need to get around WA. Just search for tourismwa and you will find everything you need. Of course a picture is worth a thousand words, so a good Google images search for the places you are thinking of visiting is worth doing. Best of luck choosing your holiday and I hope that you make one of your destinations Western Australia!