With the Right Kind of Credit Card Spending, Air Travel Flights Are Yours for Free
What are the best ways to rack up frequent flyer miles? Are there people out there who really know how to play the system and manage to do better than any one of us amateurs do? Yes, there are. And when they want to travel, flights just appear out of nowhere. This is what you need to know to do likewise.
The frequent flyer miles that you get as your sign-up bonus happen to be a really important set of miles for you. Some credit card companies will actually offer you 80,000 miles to sign up. And to encourage you to spend more using their cards, they’ll give you thousands of miles more if you will reach certain levels of spending. That’s a good way to get started. But that isn’t enough if you really want to travel; flights for free and lots of them, require a little more imagination.
It used to be that people who really worked the system would sign up to credit cards just for the miles they got as a sign up bonus, and close their account as soon as they got what they wanted. They would then sign up for the same card all over again. The card companies though have wised up to what these people were doing and they don’t allow you to play them repeatedly. But they only care if you are signing up for the exact same card over and over again. Any major bank these days, offers dozens of credit cards, with many of them offering the same kinds of sign up bonuses. You can engage in that practice still, only with different brands of credit card from the same bank. Just watch your stash of frequent flyer miles go up.
Here’s a kind of really sneaky technique that you need guts to pull off. So ask yourself this – what is it that you need to do once you have a credit card and you have your sign up bonuses? What is it that you need to do to earn more miles? You need to buy stuff, spending thousands of dollars on your credit card. Now you can’t really afford to do that, can you? Well, you can, if all you’re doing is buying money.
Perhaps you’re telling yourself that you don’t really understand – how do you buy money? You see, the US Mint sells dollar coins. It’s kind of a commemorative thing. But you can spend those dollar coins, because they are real money. All you need to do is to use your credit card to order thousands of dollars worth of coins from the US Mint. If you buy $5000 worth of coins with your credit card, it counts as $5000 worth of purchases as far as your credit card is concerned. And you get the frequent flyer miles for it. The US Mint ships the coins to you for free. You just turn around and deposit all the money in your bank. You’re out exactly nothing, but you have just gained yourself thousands of frequent flyer miles. How’s that for gaming the system for free travel? Flights to anywhere just became free to you.