How to Spend Your Holidays in the Vatican City
Situated in the city of Rome, the Vatican City is located over a hill, in the western part of the River Tiber. A wall separates the Vatican City from the other parts of the city. The city consists of St.Peter’s Church, St.Peter’s Square, the Vatican and the Vatican Gardens. The City is the smallest city in the world that is home to a populace of 880 people. The city is considered, the centre of Roman Catholicism.
This country, the Vatican City is ruled by the Pope and is a place that exemplifies the intermingling of faith and art. For a tourist with an artistic mind, Vatican city holds rare collections in the world that comprise of sculptures, paintings and brilliant architecture.
There are numerous places in the Vatican City that are a beholder’s delight. Any visitor to the Vatican City is over-awed by the architectural brilliance of St. Peter’s Basilica. The Basilica is built on the grave of St. Peter. The massive structure’s intricate details are so many that they cannot be contained in words. Acres of magnificent mosaics and marbles with works of art by Bernini, Michelangelo, Raphael, Maderno and Bramante are majestic and breathtaking.
The Vatican Museums are situated near the basilica and houses precious artistic works of a variety of artists from the past and the present. It is impossible to visit all the galleries housed inside the Museum, in a day. An impressive and majestic array of statues, busts, tapestries, early icons, Renaissance paintings and Egyptian artifacts overwhelm a visitor. The splendidly designed Museum structure has a double-helix spiral staircase that is a prelude to the unending treasures exhibited inside.
The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Museum is an important place to be visited inside the Museum. The frescoed ceiling of the chapel speaks volumes on the exceptional genius of Michelangelo, who created it. The Fresco portrays about 300 figures, from the pages of the Book of Genesis. The most popular painting of the creation of Adam, which depicts Almighty touching the finger of the first man on earth, Adam is a marvellous sight. The Scene of the last judgment, from the Book of Revelations is depicted on the wall of the Chapel.
The Castel Sant’Angelo is another prominent tourist spot in the Vatican City. The castle was constructed for Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum. The castle served as a safe place for the popes, who ruled Vatican. A secret passage is built in the castle that connects the castle to the Vatican. Ponte Angelo, a bridge on the River Tiber, connects Vatican City and the castle. The Castle features in the novel, Angels and Demons by the best-selling author of the book the DaVinci Code.
Any visit to the Vatican City remains unfinished without a visit to see the Swiss Guards. The Swiss Guards swear their allegiance to the pope and are staunch Roman Catholics. The Swiss men became popular during the period of Pope Julius II, who hired them for the first time, in the year 1506. The Guards receive military training and sport a uniform that comprises of blue and yellow striped pantaloons and jackets with a beret and red accents. A visit to the city is a truly spiritual, artistic and gratifying experience.