Helpful Tips to Make Your Next Flight Comfortable
There is a new trend in flying and construction or remodeling of airplanes that are either on the market now or will be on the market in the next couple of years and that trend is less space. Nothing makes for a more uncomfortable flight than being squeezed into a small area.
I recently flew to Indiana from Philadelphia and let me tell you when you take that flight you don’t get a nice luxury plane. I wasn’t expecting to get one, but then again I wasn’t expecting to be crammed into my seat the same way I cram my clothes into the washer when I do laundry.
Needless to say it was a very uncomfortable flight so I said to myself I will find ways, that even though I can not increase the space, I can make my flight more comfortable. Here is what I recommend.
Do not fly alone. OK easier said then done, as sometimes you will have to fly alone. However if you can at all avoid it, fly with a friend, or if you are flying alone, get to know the person next to you. This doesn’t mean annoy the hell out of them, but small talk will do and at least for the next couple of hours while you are on the flight you might hit it off with someone, build a new friendship or possibly a business acquaintance.
Get yourself an iPod or MP3 player. Growing up in the age before portable music on the walkman (ok who remembers those) I can tell you how awesome an iPod or MP3 player can be. I own an iPod and have loaded it up with hundreds of my favorites songs. A friend of mine went out and bought the “fancy” one where you can watch video. He downloaded some episodes of Seinfeld so he was set for the entire plane ride. Trust me get yourself one of these devices, you won’t be disappointed.
Choose a good seat. OK this is really for something when you get on the plane as most airlines make you choose your seat when you book your ticket. But if leg room is what you need, choose an isle seat. If you are comfortable with responsibility then choose the emergency row as that is where the most leg room is, however you have to be ready in the event of an emergency. Some airlines offer seating on a first come first serve basis with no assigned seating. Get to the airport early enough so you can be one of the first to board.
Watch the movie the flight offers. If you are fortunate enough to get a movie on your flight, watch it. It’s free and it might be good. I saw Erin Brokavich on a flight out to San Francisco and at first I wasn’t going to watch it, then I changed my mind. I actually enjoyed it, and lets face it, who doesn’t like looking at Julia Roberts in very little clothing.
Finally learn how to read. OK I know you know how to read otherwise you would not have gotten this far in this article, but get yourself a magazine on a topic that you like. If you like reading books then you are ahead of the game, however if you do not like curling up with a good book, then get a magazine. They are cheaper and there is more than likely a few on a topic that you are passionate about. If you start reading on a subject that you like it will make the time…uh um…”fly by”.
Hopefully these tips will make your next flight enjoyable and more relaxing. I can’t promise more leg room, but at least you can be squashed while listening to some great tunes.