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Travel Advice

Travel Tips to Make Flying More Enjoyable

These days, going to the airport can almost seem like an entire trip in itself. Between new regulations, long lines, delays, and more delays once you’re on the plane, it seems like a lot of work goes into the simple process of getting to the airport and flying to your destination.

As a result, I’d like to share a few tips with you that may help to make the experience easier. I travel pretty regularly so these help to keep my sanity intact, preventing me from experiencing the frustrations that so many others do.

First of all, travel light at all times whenever possible. Baggage checks are not only a hassle these days due to the extra wait times you’ll experience after your flight. Many airlines are going as far as charging you extra money to check luggage.

In order to make sure that you’ll be able to fit your luggage as a carry on bag onto the plane, ensure that you’re not traveling with any liquids that don’t meet regulations. Additionally, make sure that your bag meets the proper guidelines.

I’ll also recommend bringing a few snacks onto the airplane as well. Way too many people fail to realize that many airlines have decided to cut back on meals.

As a result, a bit of food could keep you satisfied while you’re in the air. Make sure to bring some bottled water too, as the experience of flying itself is known to dehydrate you.

Lastly, if you have any kind of handheld entertainment device, download some entertaining games or videos to keep you occupied in the air.

You’d be amazed at how quickly the time passes when you have something small like this to keep you busy. I’ve found myself on flights where what felt like an hour was three in the air, thanks to these distractors.

Try any of these things out and your experience at the airport will be one that’s less stressful, and a bit more enjoyable.