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Make the Most of River Cruises in Europe

When it comes to river cruises, Europe’s waterways are arguably the best in the world. To enjoy a leisurely experience barging down, say, the River Seine or the Rhine, you simply need to choose a destination, choose a reputable operator, hop on board and go with the flow! As with any holiday, though, there are certainly some things you can do beforehand in order to make the most of this very pleasant holiday experience.

Choose Your Destination Wisely

Naturally, the very first thing you need to take care of is just where you are going to explore on your river cruises. Europe has so many destinations from which to choose, and depending on where your passions and interests lie, you could be cruising the tranquil waterways of France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland and even back home in the UK! Bear in mind that on any well-planned itinerary there will be regular opportunities to alight from the vessel and explore the local area – so make sure you choose a place that holds more than just a passing interest for you.

Prepare Your Physical Fitness

While the very mention of river cruises (Europe’s spectacular destinations in particular) conjures up visions of relaxing on the deck sipping wine as the scenery floats languidly by, there are plenty of shore excursions you will not want to miss out on. This could mean strolling or cycling through picturesque countryside, wandering around cobble-stoned streets, or climbing the ancient steps of churches or cathedrals. You may want to visit museums, art galleries and medieval castles in your travels, so it’s important you maintain a level of physical fitness that will allow you to do all of these things. If you have doubts about your personal fitness, a couple of months before your trip start walking half an hour everyday around the block – this simple act can significantly improve your fitness. You don’t have to be able to run a marathon, but you don’t want to miss out on any of the many opportunities you will encounter on a barging holiday.

Get Acquainted with the Language

If you’re going to a country where the locals speak English then you won’t really have to make the extra effort to learn a new language. But if, say, you’re visiting France or Germany or any other non-English-speaking countries on river cruises (Europe’s waterways cover a huge network of countries), it’s advisable to try your hand at learning at least the very basics of the language. While it may not be strictly necessary, being able to speak the native language broadens your horizons and deepens your appreciation of the wonderful cultural diversity of Europe. At the very least, you should learn how to express your gratitude in the language of your destination-you may be surprised just how far a little language can go.