The Joys of a Longer Cruise on France’s Waterways
When it comes to choosing the perfect holiday, many people enjoy going on barge holidays. France is a great destination for such holidays, and this is partly due to the sheer variety of waterways to choose from all over the country. Although many people go on standard-length cruises and have a wonderful experience, some people like to extend their cruises and spend even longer discovering the waterways of the country, and beyond.
Length of Cruises
A standard cruise usually lasts about a week, and this is plenty of time to explore an area of a country via its waterways to see plenty of beautiful surroundings and fascinating attractions. However, you may be able to go on a longer cruise if you want to.
Longer cruises could last up to two weeks, or even longer in some cases. For example, you may be able to find a cruise that lasts up to six weeks.
Travel Greater Distances
Most standard cruises of a week or so in length will allow you to explore a single area like Burgundy or Champagne in France, the western provinces of Holland, or the Highlands in Scotland. However, book a longer cruise and you can (naturally) travel a lot further.
When you decide to go on longer barge holidays, France has a number of regions that you may want to explore. For example, you may want to spend the whole time in Burgundy, or you may want to discover other regions like Champagne and the Loire Valley on the same cruise. When you book longer cruises, this kind of combination is often possible.
Points to Remember
However, there may also be a few points to keep in mind when you book longer barge holidays. France, for example, has many beautiful areas that you may want to explore on foot or bike. However, if you want to travel greater distances on your cruise, you may spend more time on the water and less time on excursions. If you would prefer to go walking or cycling as a focus, you may want to book a tour that has an emphasis on these areas instead.
Customisable Options
On longer cruises you may find that many customisation options are available. For example, you may be able to the length of stay in certain areas if you have your heart set on seeing more of one area than another. You should therefore research the different areas you want to explore and then ask your organiser what they recommend.
By extending your cruise you can get even more enjoyment from barge holidays. France is an excellent place to go on such a holiday because there are so many waterways to discover, but you could easily go even further and venture into other countries in Europe.