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Travel Planning

Trying to Stay Within Your Travel Budget

Trying to save money on trips and accommodation and food has long been something I have done over the last forty years. As individuals, we all have our strengths and weaknesses in different aspects of traveling, some will cut back on different aspects to others. Saving money starts with the way you pack your bag.

You have to learn to be ruthless when packing for a trip, especially if airlines feature in the travel plans. The reason for endeavouring to do this is that airlines now charge expensive prices if you are over the stated weight for bags. It follows that if your bag is too heavy, it will cost you cash! I chose to stay in hostels so a heavy bag is not something I want to drag up several flights of stairs. You can save money using hostels or cheap hotels but if there is no elevator and innumerable floors, a heavy bag or bags is the last thing you need.

I generally use the internet for booking accommodation and flights, rarely using a travel agent, although my daughter in law is part of the industry. Money can be saved here because you have the choice of travel plans. Anything that goes wrong is then your responsibility, not an individual who may or not be interested in your trip. I do use my daughter in-laws firm, as there are times when an agent can get the best deals and you will know this if you have thoroughly researched what is on offer.

Once I got over the fear of flying, I look at airlines with more interest. There are some great deals out there on some of the budget companies. The deals are only as good as their delivery. You need to know what a standard airline will charge for a point A to B flight. Then compare existing airlines for their fares, the destination airports and follow online reviews. You may save money using a different airport. How ever, people use air travel because they are limited in available time.

Credit cards that have loyalty air miles if used well can cut the cost of air fares. Use them on long distance flights as opposed to short hops. I avoid changing currency at airports and train stations as I have found them to charge higher rates than the city firms. People think they have to get money before leaving their arrival points, leaving themselves open to the higher costs. Using online bookings, everything can be booked before leaving home and that includes shuttles from the airport and train station. This gives time to reflect on how much money you will need and use, allowing you to get the local currency at what is the going rate and not some inflated rate. I prefer trains because the stations are usually in the central city, this cuts costs in using transport from out of city airports.

As I mentioned I tend to stay in hostels but there have been occasions when a hotel or bed and breakfast are equally budget orientated. They may include extras like your own room, TV and bathroom. There are new versions of accommodation surfacing all the time. A recent addition is couch surfing as an option. I have not tried it so cannot comment on the experience but it sounds like it would be worth looking at.

You need to check travel insurance companies for who you think provides the best cover for your destinations. Cheap is not necessarily the best, but no insurance at all is sheer stupidity and can cost you all the savings you have made if something goes horribly wrong!