Five Reasons to Share Your Travel Plans
Private Investigators are always thinking about safety. It’s a big part of the job, and our awareness always has to be taking safety into consideration. For that reason, I recommend that if you’re going on a trip, you share the details of your trip with somebody who’s not going, and here are five reasons why.
1. Your Home is Safer.
When you’re away and your friend or a friendly neighbor knows it, that person can check on your house for you, make sure to pick up your newspaper so the house doesn’t look vacant, and even put on a porch light for you just before you return. In fact, you may consider installing timers on your lamps that will turn on and off your lamps around the house on various intervals so the house still looks lived in. You can stop the newspaper, but there’s no substitute for a friendly person looking out for you.
2. You’re Safer.
If your friends or family know your itinerary and you’ve made arrangements to call, they’ll know if you failed to show up at your destination within a reasonable amount of time. By the same token, if you don’t arrive home by a certain date, concerned friends and family members will try to reach you. If your car has broken down in a place with no traffic and a dead cell phone, having someone who knows when you’re supposed to be home could really be handy.
3. Reduces Stress.
Nobody wants a person worrying so much about their every move that they become more like busybodies than friendly helpers. But having a person who knows your plans can save a lot of stress. Let’s say, for example, that you decide to moderate your trip after you’ve left. Notifying someone at home can save on stress and unnecessary missing persons reports.
4. Social Media Stories.
Fun is a valid reason to do a lot of things, and if you’re the kind of person who likes to get your friends involved in your life, chronicling your trip on social media could be a lot of fun. Some people have made professional careers out of travel blogging, so why not stretch out a bit and show some pictures to your friends as you go? They’ll appreciate it, and it’ll feel almost like you’ve been on vacation together.
One word of caution, though. Share your trip on social media, but not necessarily your advance plans, at least not in any great detail. There are stalkers in the world looking for an easy target, so instead of giving your exact street address in Barcelona, you could simply tell your friends you’ll be staying in Barcelona. You do want one person to have your street address, just in case you need to be reached or you get waylaid on the way to your destination.
5. You Might Need a Pick-Up.
Don’t forget that you might just need a drop-off and pick-up at the airport. Sharing your travel plans with a trusted friend well in advance of your trip might just remind you to make those arrangements well in advance.
These are my reasons for encouraging people to share their travel plans with a trusted friend or two. Peace of mind is a precious commodity, especially on a trip.